Monday, 15 June 2015

ISP- Final

I finally rendered my final copy of "Gertrude's Glorious Garden" on Monday, June 15th.

I am pleased with the final result and am looking forward to sharing it with the class.

Thursday, 4 June 2015


I began my production May 26th 2015.

I started to create my set in which I used a foam green paper as the grass, I painted a background on Bristol board, gathered some rocks and grass as extra decoration for the scene. *I NOW KNOW, THAT I SHOULD HAVE TAPED MY SET TO THE TABLE TO HOLD IT STILL*
By me not taping my set down I affected some of the shots by accidentally moving the set. :( As a result I had to look back upon my pictures and try and line up the set in the exact placement it was before.

 These two pictures show my sets design as well as a picture of what it looks like as I take a picture.

I used a lamp on either side of the set as well as an overhead light to make sure the lighting is consistent for my set. I felt like the lighting was even throughout every picture, showing little change is light frequencies. 

Once I gathered all my shots I imported them into my work area. I then began to create folders with each scene in them. I used the program adobe premiere to create my animation. I imported the images into premiere and realized they are way to large. As a result I had to research the pixel size of adobe premieres system and realized the images needed to be 720x480p. 

The next step was scaling each image to the new size. I remembered that we had used a method of converting several images at once previously in this course. I then used my knowledge learnt throughout the semester to create a actions key where i then scaled a batch of photots to the size of 720x480. THIS WAS THE PERFECT SOLUTION 

As I scaled my images I then imported them into premiere.They fit perfectly. Next, I changed the length of each image to appear for 3 frames per second. This made sure each image was viewed as well as fast enough to achieve the affect I was going for. 

I ended up converting scenes 1&2 and rendered them into MPEG2 from premiere. his is the gif it created. 

I began my production and realized that the sun was not going to be able to travel along the sky as it would change the background angle. The sun was pinned up by clay and every time I wanted to move it, the background would shift. As a result, I decided to scrap the idea of the sun moving across the sky, and have it stay in one place.

I rendered all the pictures and placed them into premiere. Now all I have to do is create the sound files. I plan to record most of the sound effects myself, and retrieve other sound effects from nature (birds chirping). I am planning on using my iPhone to record most of the sounds, then importing them into premiere. 

I need to record 
1.Person walking.
2.Birds chirping and some wind.
3. A drop of a ball (drop of seed). 
4. Clanking of water can.
5. Water rushing out.
6.Grasshoppers chirping.
7. The snip of a scissor.
8. The sniffing of someone who is smelling something.

I began to start creating the sounds, but they did not turn out the way I wanted. The sounds were harsh and not exactly how I anticipated. As a result, I decided to use some sound effects from online sources. 

I finished my project on Friday, June 12th 2015!!! So happy to have finally finished my animation :)

I am pleased with the finish product of my ISP. I believe that it encompasses everything I wanted to do. I work very hard and managed to finish a couples days before the due date. Due to this, I decided to edit my project to make sure everything was perfect.