Thursday, 7 May 2015

ISP- Preproduction Claymation


I decided that the type of animation that interested me most, which was claymation. The concept of using my hands to mold something to eventually turn it into a moving animation really interested me. I then began researching some of the most classic "animation movies" that involved claymation. -Basic ideas -How to do it -My favourite tv show!!!!! -PES on youtube

Claymation Concept Ideas:

  • My first idea I had for my ISP project was to do a runner, running a race. The claymation would begin by the runner in a start position followed by them running down a track. Eventually crossing the finish line and winning. 
  • My next idea was to do a person fishing and having them reel in a fish. 
  • The last idea I had was my favourite. It included a women (me) walking to a garden, planting a seed. She would then water the flower and as she watered it and the sun began to shift it would grow into a beautiful daisy. Finally having the person pick it and smell her flower that she grew. 
Tutorials I Have Tried:

I began by starting with a 3D flower that began as dirt and then sprouted up. I did this in photoshop. The first GIF is at a very fast pace (0.5 secs) and the second GIF is at a slower pace (0.1 secs). I learnt that the angle at which this was shot was not very consistent with lighting. I now know to move to an area of controlled light.

The next practice tutorial I did was a ball travelling across a table and turning into a snake, then slithering across the table back to the start. I also did this is photoshop and it turned out lovely (0.1 sec) with the spacing.

Lighting Test Pictures:

I set up my station in the star tv studio. It involved having an overhead light, and two lights pointing inwards on either side of the set. I took pictures to make sure the lighting was equal and bright enough. These are the images taken:

My story line consists of this:

Bouncing Ball

Monday, 4 May 2015

After Affects Tutorials
